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Gorilla Head

Gcreate Graphic designer located in Cardiff & Caerphilly- Gorilla Head

A very interesting project for a client, I thought the best way to proceed with this one was to draw the gorilla head out by hand, only problem is.....I don't think I can draw very well. The following are steps along the way I took in order to get the end result, and a very happy client. (I will only be focusing on the main gorilla head I used for the final logo)

So I started off with getting the brief and the name 'Gorilla War Wear' to be printed on MMA clothing. They wanted a mean looking gorilla, and provided me with some links and images of gorilla heads they found on the internet they liked. I then did my own little research and provided a few drawings.

I did about 4 in total, drew them in pencil and inked them before I scanned them in. After I played around with the Levels just so you couldn't see any additional pencil lines and other bits that my scanner normally picks up.

The next part was to give the head a bit of style, as you can see from the example on the left, its hardly good enough to show a client even as a draft stage.

I put it through a few methods I have in order to create a vector image (which is what the final image had to be anyway as that's ideal for logo printing on clothing), then tweaked some of the settings until I got an image I was happy with to show the client on which type of head the client wanted to proceed with.

They picked the gorilla head on the right and I was able to then proceed onto the next step and re-draw the head but in more detail and much larger.

Again I drew the gorilla in pencil, inked it and scanned it in. Changing the levels so it would just show the lines. I also put it through the same process into making it a vector. I have provided a short gallery so you can switch between the inked version and the vector version so you can see the slight differences in both.

At this stage the gorilla head part of the logo was pretty much sorted, however they wanted to put the logo on white and black clothing, and my simple idea (which normally does work) was to invert the image so it would be black for white clothing and white for black clothing.

However due to a trick of the eye or whatever it might be, the white version seem to lose a lot of detail in the eye, despite the fact all I did was change the colour from black to white. You can also see here some examples of colours and fonts the client wanted to see, I did about 5 versions of theses, with changing the scar colour, the font and ring.

In the end the client wanted to just go with the one design that would be used for both and asked for a black logo. The only change I would personally do was to change the circle to white and the text to black for the white clothing range, however they were very happy with the end result. And even if they did want to do that in the future it would be a very simple and easy change to make.


Despite the fact I don't think I draw very well, but with the effects I used and how it turned out I really did enjoy working on this short project. If you enjoy this piece then please visit my facebook page, give it a like and share, and if you want your own logo created get in contact with me. Keep coming back for some more in depth posts on my graphic design work.

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